KMS - significado y definición. Qué es KMS
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Qué (quién) es KMS - definición

Kms; KMS (disambiguation)

Knowledge Management Systeme
KMS (hypertext)         
KMS (Hypertext); Knowledge Management System
KMS, an abbreviation of Knowledge Management System, was a commercial second generation hypermedia system, originally created as a successor for the early hypermedia system ZOG. KMS was developed by Don McCracken and Rob Akscyn of Knowledge Systems, a 1981 spinoff from the Computer Science Department of Carnegie Mellon University.



KMS may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para KMS
1. Kms is like the new fml.
Dear Old People - Meet Today's Teenager _ Cory Levy _ Talks at Google
2. There was no library in Patna, so I used to travel 300 kms to BHU in Varanasi to read journals.
Super 30 - Empowering Through Education _ Anand Kumar _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de KMS
1. The total length of power network rose by 25 percent from 2',600 kms to 36,88' kms.
2. On whether, the country proposed to increase the range of Prthvi missiles from 150 kms to 350 kms, Mukherjee said the missile already had a range exceeding 150 kms.
3. That day, we covered more than 400 kms to reach a village which, for the last 2 kms, was not accessible by car.
4. The Bouygues Telecom rider capitulated six kms further on.
5. The company has 700 vehicles that cover 70,000 kms daily.